Wednesday, October 9, 2013

mama diary: enjoying the little things

I have noticed so many changes in my son in the past six weeks.  His face has changed so much and he is really starting to look like himself, if that makes any sense at all. His eyes are bigger and wider.  He is moving his arms and legs so much, almost standing with help.  He is "talking" all the time and smiling.  He also has new creases in his arms and legs from gaining weight... hallelujah!  

I have noticed how quickly time goes by.  My advice to new mamas is to soak up every bit of your beautiful little one and look for those small changes that make life so exciting!

chubby cheeks and leg creases,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

new mama diary: one month old

This month has flown by.  I cannot believe it has been a whole month since  our little man made us a family.  We have already reached so many milestones exciting moments.  

outgrew outfits..check!  smiled..check! lifted and turned head..check! 
moving in circles on tummy..check! took a bottle..check!  quiet bath..check!

I am looking forward to everything to come, but I realized how much has changed already.  Soon enough he will be scooting, crawling, standing, walking, talking...

All I know is my son can take as long as he wants to grow up right now and no one is allowed to rush him.

one happy mommy


Friday, October 4, 2013

new mama diary: the first 10 days

*I obviously wrote this post a few weeks ago...*

It has been just ten days since our little one was born.  During the first few days in the hospital, I was under a sort of shock or disbelief that we finally had our son with us after 41 long weeks of waiting.  I could not believe that I was finally a mom! We were given this blessing, this amazing new life that would change our lives forever!  I imagine I will be under this shock for a while.  I am definitely a different and better kind of happy than ever before.

Being a new mom, though incredible, can be very challenging.  Even though I've only had 10 days of it, I thought I'd jot down my thoughts as I start this new adventure with my little mister.


One word...OUCH!  Don't get me wrong.  Nursing my son is the coolest thing ever.  It's kinda like our bonding time. When he looks up at me, as if to make sure I'm really his mommy, I melt.  I love this time with my kid, but I cannot wait for my breast pump to get here so I can take a break every once in a while.  Plus daddy really wants a chance to feed our little man.  Nursing every 1-3 hours can only result in sore, cracked and sensitive nipples tmi?, absolutely no fun.  But I am so happy to know my son is getting everything he needs just from my milk.


I'm not getting much of it, but I am getting used to the hours.  I'm probably awake as much at night as I am during the day.  "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is a true statement.  I am hoping that by the end of this week I will be able to sleep a little less during the day and be more productive.


I have taken so many pictures that my phone is working slower than normal.  Ooops!!!  I need to start printing pictures or saving them somewhere beside my phone in case it breaks.  Everything we do is a first, so pictures are a must!


Completely on the back burner.  It is a special day if my hair stays down for more than 5 minutes or I remember to put deodorant on.  I'd like to start waking up earlier and actually getting ready with clothes and a little bit of makeup.  I shaved my legs last night and I already feel so much better. :)

We will see what new things will happen in the next week or so.

completely content mommy